The project QSEC – Questions of Sciences, Citizens Issues – aims at fostering citizen’s thinking on sciences. Last year, the theme was “food”. This year, the 3rd edition of QSEC focuses on “money”.

Supported by the Ile de France regional authority, the participating initiative QSEC facilitates the dialogue between citizens, teachers-researchers and politicians, through the organization of local debates and meetings.
Since October, 70 teams of citizens, from different ages and backgrounds have been questioning the “money” issue. Various subjects, such as the relationship between work and money, wealth inequalities, public debt and the money-happiness connection, have been analyzed and debated in working groups gathering teenagers, kids from 9 to 12 years old, seniors, mothers, etc.
After this 8 months investigation, a closing debate will be held on the 19th of June in Paris. It will allow working groups to present their conclusions and recommendations to experts who, for once, will sit on the public’s ranks.

For more information, visit the web site

The blog also tracks the information throughout the season.

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Published on 08 June 2012. Updated on 13 June 2024