On 18 July 2013, the Governor of the Banque de France (represented by Marc-Olivier Strauss-Kahn, the Bank’s Director General of Economics and International Relations) signed a partnership agreement with the President of the Île de France Regional Council (represented by Françoise Patrigeon, Head of Culture, Tourism, Sport and Leisure).

The contract relates to the documentary photography project conducted by the Ile de France Council Heritage Inventory Department to capture the Hôtel Gaillard, a masterpiece of Parisian neo-gothic architecture and the future site of the Cité de l’Économie et de la Monnaie.

Before work began on the Cité premises, the regional Heritage Inventory Department launched a project to photograph the main features of this historical monument. The resulting pictures will be archived in a national database, the Mérimée architecture database, where they will be accessible for future research. Under the agreement, the Banque de France will provide the regional council with all the historical documents in its possession relating to the building, and in return it will be able to use the photographs in its promotional material for the future museum (architectural exhibition of the site, promotional leaflets, videoguides, etc).

The Heritage Inventory Department is charged with exploring the history and heritage of the region. It studies all types of heritage, both exceptional and ordinary, including tangible and intangible heritage, public, private or religious buildings and rural or industrial heritage.

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Published on 07 October 2013. Updated on 13 June 2024