How do companies organise their production, manage labour relations, find sources of financing, implement strategies for development? Are the answers to these daily challenges comparable for a start-up, a restaurant, a food retailer, the largest market in France, an industrial company, a company that introduced embedded donations in France?

With Citéco find out, through this series of short videos, how 6 productive organisations go about meeting the daily challenges faced by companies: Biocoop, a local business; Happydemics, a start-up; Semmaris, a large company; Microdon, a social and responsible company; Thuasne, an export-oriented industrial company; and Épi d’or, a restaurant.

In each of these videos, interviews with the company manager and one of its employees provide a two-way perspective on the life of the company: what does the company do, how is it managed on a daily basis, what are its future prospects?

This first video immerses you in the world of a store, Biocoop, and shows you how the values defended by the brand are translated in terms of hierarchical organisation, management of shop opening hours and revenue sharing.

In subsequent videos, you will discover 5 other companies. Be patient, an upcoming episode of the series will soon be online...

Source: Banque de France – Citéco/la Cité de l’économie et de la monnaie

Audience: 12+

Language: english

Length: 4’30

Watch the other episodes of this series of 6 videos:

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Published on 03 January 2017. Updated on 13 June 2024