A selection of french radio and tv broadcasts which helps you to understand, also through the airwaves, the major economic news events. Listening to these editorials, analysis and interviews, you will improve your knowledge of the economic situation in France and worldwide .


BFM Business This radio news channel is dedicated to economic and financial topics. All programs covers topics related to economic news.
BFM Business
(bfmtv.com/economie/) - Frequency: 96.4 FM (Paris). - Frequency list BFM - Podcasts

BFM Business La librairie de l’éco The news of the economic literature of the week.

BFM Business (bfmbusiness.bfmtv.com/mediaplayer/podcast/la-librairie-de-l-eco/) - Presenter: Emmanuel Lechypre - Broadcast: friday, 11pm - Duration: 45’ - Frequency: 96.4 (Paris) - Frequency list BFM - Podcasts

Europe 1 L’édito éco Each day the economic news is decoded in this editorial.

L’édito éco (europe1.fr/emissions/l-edito-eco) - Presenter: Éric Le Boucher - Broadcast: monday to friday, 10:13pm - Duration: 3’ - Frequency: 104.7 FM (Paris) - Frequency list Europe 1 - Podcasts

Europe 1 Le journal de l’éco Each day, the "journal de l’éco" explains the great events of economic news.

Le journal de l’éco (europe1.fr/emissions/le-journal-de-l-economie) - Presenters: Éric Le Boucher and Nicolas Poincarré - Broadcast: monday to friday, 7:03pm - Duration: 5’ - Frequency: 104.7 FM (Paris) - Frequency list Europe 1 - Podcasts

Europe 1 L’innovation du jour The chronicle of Nicolas Carreau on innovations.

L’innovation du jour (europe1.fr/emissions/linnovation-du-jour-xml) - Presenter: Nicolas Carreau - Broadcast: monday, 7:09am - Duration: 1’ - Frequency: 104.7 FM (Paris) - Frequency list Europe 1 - Podcasts

Europe 1 Le débat éco Each sunday, Agnès Verdier-Molinie and Éric Heyer debate on the economic subject that marked the week.

Le débat éco (europe1.fr/emissions/le-debat-eco) - Presenter: Agnès Verdier-Molinie - Broadcast: sunday, 8:30am - Duration: 9’ - Frequency: 104.7 FM (Paris) - Frequency list Europe 1 - Podcasts

France Culture L’économie en questions Every saturday, the economic news of the week are discussed by four invited economists who analyse the events in France, Europe and worldwide.

L’économie en questions (franceculture.fr/emission-l-economie-en-questions-0) - Presenter: Dominique Rousset - Broadcast: saturday, 11am to 12am - Duration: 1 hours - Frequency: 93.5 FM (Paris) - Frequency list France Culture - Podcasts

France Culture Les carnets de l’économie Each week, a researcher or an actor in the economic and social sphere, yield four chronic on its work and its reflection. Macroeconomics, microeconomics and field experiences.

Les carnets de l’économie (franceculture.fr/emission-les-carnets-de-l-economie-0) - Presenter: Vincent Lemerre - Broadcast: monday to thursday, 5:55pm - Duration: 3’ - Frequency: 93.5 FM (Paris) - Frequency list France Culture - Podcasts

France Culture Les idées claires Chronic dedicated to the world of economic ideas.

Les idées claires (franceculture.fr/emission-les-idees-claires) - Presenter: Brice Couturier - Broadcast: monday to friday, 7:56am - Duration: 3’ - Frequency: 93.5 FM (Paris) - Frequency list France Culture - Podcasts

France Culture Culture éco Every day, Amélie Perrier talks with experts on economic news.

Culture éco (franceculture.fr/emission-culture-eco) - Presenter: Amélie Perrier - Broadcast: monday to friday, 6:45am - Duration: 5’ - Frequency: 93.5 FM (Paris) - Frequency list France Culture - Podcasts

France Info C’est mon boulot Tips and tricks for better understanding of the work life.

C’est mon boulot (franceinfo.fr/emission/718279/archives) - Presenter: Philippe Duport - Broadcast: monday to friday at 6:45am and 11:55am - Duration: 5’ - Frequency: 105.5 FM (Paris) - Frequency list France Info - Podcasts

France Info Le vrai du faux From Monday to Friday, in that emission of "fact-checking", Antoine Krempf attempt to verify the statements, information and ideas in all aspects of the news. And in particular the opinions and figures in the public debate on economic issues.

France Info – le vrai du faux (franceinfo.fr/emission/le-vrai-du-faux/2015-2016) - Presenter: Antoine Krempf - Broadcast: monday to friday at 7:25am and 10:25am - Duration: 2’30’’ - Frequency: 105.5 FM (Paris) - Frequency list France Info - Podcasts

France Info C’est mon argent Investments, stocks, bonds, real estate market: expert advice and answers to listeners.

France Info – c’est mon argent (franceinfo.fr/emission/c-est-mon-argent) - Presenter: Patrick Lelong - Broadcast: friday at 6:25am and 11:55am - Duration: 3’20’’ - Frequency: 105.5 FM (Paris) - Frequency list France Info - Podcasts

France Info On s’y emploie Tips and tricks for finding a job.

On s’y emploie (franceinfo.fr/emission/s-y-emploie-de-philippe-duport) - Presenter: Philippe Duport - Broadcast: monday to friday at 1:25pm - Duration: 5’ - Frequency: 105.5 FM (Paris) - Frequency list France Info - Podcasts

France Info En direct de la Sillicon Valley Each week, Carlos Diaz tells what works and what works less well in Mecca of the digital economy.

En direct de la Sillicon Valley (franceinfo.fr/emission/en-direct-de-la-silicone-valley) - Presenter: Carlos Diaz - Broadcast: saturday, at 6:27am and 8:25am - Duration: 3’ - Frequency: 105.5 FM (Paris) - Frequency list France Info - Podcasts

France Info Tout info, tout éco Each day, the key economic news in 3 minutes.

Tout info, tout éco (franceinfo.fr/tout-info-tout-eco/2015-2016) - Presenter: Emmanuel Cugny - Broadcast: monday to friday at 6:55am - Duration: 3’ - Frequency: 105.5 FM (Paris) - Frequency list France Info - Podcasts

France Inter L’édito de Nicolas Beytout Each saturday, Nicolas Beytout deals with the economic news of the moment.

L’édito de Nicolas Beytout (franceinter.fr/emission-l-edito-de-nicolas-beytout) - Presenter: Nicolas Beytout - Broadcast: saturday at 7:55am - Duration: 3’ - Frequency: 87.8 FM (Paris) - Frequency list France Inter - Podcasts

France Inter L’éco du jour Each morning, a focus on economic news.

L’éco du jour (franceinter.fr/emission-l-eco-du-jour) - Presenter: Philippe Lefébure - Broadcast: monday to thursday, at 7:48am - Duration: 4’ - Frequency: 87.8 FM (Paris) - Frequency list France Inter - Podcasts

France Inter L’éco du matin Catherine Boullay presents economic news of the day.

L’éco du matin (franceinter.fr/emission-ledito-eco) - Presenter: Catherine Boullay - Broadcast: monday to friday at 5:45am - Duration: 3’ - Frequency: 87.8 FM (Paris) - Frequency list France Inter - Podcasts

France Inter L’édito éco Every morning, a decryption of economic news.

L’édito éco (franceinter.fr/emission-ledito-eco) - Presenter: Dominique Seux - Broadcast: monday to thursday at 7:49am - Duration: 3’ - Frequency: 87.8 FM (Paris) - Frequency list France Inter - Podcasts

France Inter On n’arrête pas l’éco A meeting with men and women who work and make the economy every day.

On n’arrête pas l’éco (franceinter.fr/emission-on-n-arrete-pas-l-eco) - Presenter: Alexandra Bensaïd - Broadcast: saturday at 9:15am to 10am - Duration: 45’ - Frequency: 87.8 FM (Paris) - Frequency list France Inter - Podcasts

France Inter L’esprit d’initiative Every day, Emmanuel Moreau presents practical innovations.

L’esprit d’initiative (franceinter.fr/emission-l-esprit-d-initiative) - Presenter: Emmanuel Moreau - Broadcast: monday to friday, at 5:42am - Duration: 4’ - Frequency: 87.8 FM (Paris) - Frequency list France Inter - Podcasts

France Inter Le vrai/faux de l’Europe Every Friday, Delphine Simon is interested in European new.

Le vrai/faux de l’Europe (franceinter.fr/emission-le-vraifaux-de-leurope) - Presenter: Delphine Simon - Broadcast: friday, at 6:20 - Duration: 2’30’’ - Frequency: 87.8 FM (Paris) - Frequency list France Inter - Podcasts

RTL RTL Conso Matin On the menu: the purchasing power of the French. Each weekday morning at 6:15, Armelle Lévy proposes an investigation to decrypt prices, invoices, packages, trends, deals and scams.

RTL Conso Matin (rtl.fr/emission/rtl-consommation/bienvenue) - Presenter: Armelle Lévy - Broadcast: monday to friday at 6:18am - Duration: 3’15’’ - Frequency: 104.3 FM (Paris) - Frequency list RTL - Podcasts

RTL Lenglet-co François Lenglet’ economic chronicle.

RTL Lenglet-co: (rtl.fr/emission/lenglet-co) - Presenter: François Lenglet - Broadcast: monday to friday at 7:40am - Duration: 3’30’’ - Frequency: 104.3 FM (Paris) - Frequency list RTL - Podcasts




Arte Déchiffrage "Déchiffrage" (decryption), Economic Review, wants to help people understand the challenges of today’s economy. Before and after each show, the site of the broadcast provides resources on the subject matter.

Arte - Déchiffrage (dechiffrage.arte.tv/home) - Created by: Bruno Masi and Jacques Goldstein - Voice: Alexandra Bensaïd - Replay broadcasts

BFM Business This television news channel is dedicated to economic and financial topics. The total emissions topics related to economic news.

BFM Business (bfmtv.com/economie/) - Live broadcast - Replay broadcasts

France 3 Le Duel éco Dominique Seux et Thierry Pech come every Monday to discuss topics of economic news.

France 3 - Le duel éco (francetvinfo.fr/replay-jt/france-3/soir-3/) - Presenters: Dominique Seux et Thierry Pech - Broadcast: monday during "le Grand Soir 3" (evening news) - Duration: 5’ - Replay broadcasts

France 5 C dans l’air Yves Calvi decrypts news of the day in company of specialists - including on economic topics. "C dans l’air" (In the air) covers all topics in the news and gives the keys to understand.

C dans l’air (france5.fr/c-dans-l-air/) - Presenters: Yves Calvi, Laurent Bazin, Axel de Tarlé - Broadcast: monday to friday at 5:45 and 10:30pm - Duration: 65’ - Replay broadcasts

France 5 Dr. CAC Nightly, Dr. CAC answers as simply as possible to innocent questions of his patients on all aspects of the economy. Four pedagogical and completely crazy minutes!

Dr. CAC (france5.fr/emissions/dr-cac/videos) - Presenter: Christian CAC - Broadcast: monday to friday at 11:30pm - Duration: 4’ - Replay broadcasts - See also our article "Dr CAC Videos"

France 24 Intelligence économique Economic intelligence, hyper competition, strategy, economic warfare...

Intelligence économique (france24.com/fr/emissions/intelligence economique/) - Presenter: Ali Laïdi - Broadcast: on alternate Saturdays at 2:15pm - Duration: 12’ - Replay broadcasts

France 24 Le duel de l’économie Weekly face-off between Philippe Manière and Bernard Maris on economic news

Le duel de l’économie (france24.com/fr/emissions/le duel de l’économie/) - Presenters: Stéphanie Antoine, Philippe Manière, Bernard Maris - Broadcast: tuesday at 11:45am - Duration: 12’ - Replay broadcasts

France 24 L’invité de l’éco A weekly interview with a major player in the international economy.

L’invité de l’éco (france24.com/fr/emissions/l’invite de l’eco/) - Presenter: Stephanie Antoine - Broadcast: Thursday at 4:45pm - Duration: 11’40’’ - Replay broadcasts

France 24 La Semaine de l’éco Decryption of economic news of the week.

La Semaine de l’éco (france24.com/fr/emissions/la semaine de l’eco/) - Presenter: Stephanie Antoine - Broadcast: friday at 3:15pm - Duration: 35’ - Replay broadcasts

France 24 Le journal de l’économie Decoding of the economic news of the day by the chroniclers of France 24.

Le journal de l’économie (france24.com/fr/emissions/le journal de l’économie/) - Presenter: Claire Bonnichon - Broadcast: monday to friday at 6:15am - Duration: 5’ - Replay broadcasts

I-télé La chronique éco de Nicolas Bouzou Economic news of the day presented by Nicolas Bouzou.

La chronique éco de Nicolas Bouzou (itele.fr/chroniques/la-chronique-eco-bouzou-team-toussaint/) - Presenter: Nicolas Bouzou - Broadcast: monday to friday at 7:10am - Duration: 2’ - Replay broadcasts

I-télé Ambitions d’entrepreneurs Focus on business success in France and abroad.

Ambitions d’entrepreneurs (itele.fr/magazines/ambitions-dentrepreneurs/esi-76291) - Presenter: Alexandra Roost - Broadcast: sunday at 12:55am, 2:55pm, 5:55pm - Duration: 5’ - Replay broadcasts

LCI L’invité de l’économie Daily, a French or abroad entrepreneur comes and focuses on the health of its business and the outlook for the economy and markets.

L’invité de l’économie (lci.tf1.fr/chaine-lci/programmes-lci/invite-economie) - Presenter: Emmanuel Kessler - Broadcast: monday to wenesday at 8:20pm and 9:20pm - Duration: 20’

LCI Le Club de l’économie Weekly, economists, entrepreneurs and journalists debate on economic issues.

Le club de l’économie (lci.tf1.fr/chaine-lci/programmes-lci/club-de-economie) - Presenter: François-Xavier Pietri - Broadcast: saturday at 1:10pm, 5:10pm, sunday at 3:10pm - Duration: 30’

LCI Le Quotidien de l’économie Journalists from the economy service sift through the economy and the social and financial news in France and around the world.

Le Quotidien de l’économie (lci.tf1.fr/podcast/journal-de-l-economie) - Presenter: Emmanuel Kessler - Broadcast: monday to wenesday at 8:10pm and 9:10pm - Duration: 10’

LCI La chronique de l’économie The economic news of the day presented by Vincent Perrault and Magali Boissin.

Le Quotidien de l’économie (lci.tf1pro.com/lcipro/emissions/economie/0,,6686392-VU5WX0lEIDUxNA==,00-la-chronique-de-l-economie-.html) - Presenters: Vincent Perrault et Magali Boissin - Broadcast: Monday to Friday at 6:20am, 6:50am, 8:10am, 9:10am and 10:10am

M6 Capital This program covers topics about economy, finance and social at a national or international level.

Capital (m6.fr/emission-capital/) - Presenter: Thomas Sotto - Broadcast: Twice a month on sunday at 8:50pm - Duration: 120’ - Replay broadcasts







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Published on 24 March 2012. Updated on 20 December 2024