The objective of this conference is to present a comprehensive overview of the major issues raised by the financial crisis that started in 2007, reconcile the experience of business and banking professionals with the analyses of academics specialized in money, banking and finance, and assess the impact of this crisis on banking networks and financial market dynamics, both in emerging and OECD countries.

- Source: Journées de l’économie 2008
- Objective: Understand the origins of the financial crisis
- Audience: 17+
- Language: French
- Type: Video, conference


Les crises financières vidéo (Partie 1) :

Les crises financières vidéo (Partie 2) :


Patrick Artus
French economist, Head of Research at Natixis

Michel Aglietta
Economics Professor at the University Paris X

Anton Brender
Associate Professor at the University Paris-Dauphine and Director of Economic Studies at Dexia Asset Management

André Cartapanis

Michel Cicurel
Economist, essayist and French intellectual

Gilles de Margerie
Critic, President of the think tank « En temps réel »

Olivier Klein
Professor at HEC, CEO – Commercial Banking, BPCE

Jean-Paul Pollin
Economics Professor



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Published on 21 December 2010. Updated on 13 June 2024