The controversy over GDP being used as an economic performance indicator is almost as old as the indicator itself, but it has intensified in the past few years due to raised awareness about inequalities and the non-monetary aspects of welfare as well as questions about the sustainability of economic growth.

This debate has provided the principal backdrop for work conducted by the Stiglitz Commission on the measurement of economic performance and social progress that was the subject of a report submitted in the summer of 2009. This session will be devoted to a discussion of the contributions of this Commission. What has it contributed to the debate? What have been its limits? What further research could be conducted? Is it reasonable to envisage that a new battery of key indicators will progressively replace GDP as the main guide of economic policies?

- Source : Journées de l’économie 2009
- Objective : Understand what GDP does and does not measure
- Audience : 16+.
- Language : French
- Type : Video, conference


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Didier Blanchet
Head of the Department of General Economic Studies (INSEE)

François Bourguignon
Director of the Paris School of Economics

Roger Guesnerie
Economics Professor at Collège de France

Laurence Rioux
Researcher at the Centre de Recherche en Eco¬nomie et Statistique

Serge Marti
Vice-president of the Association des journalistes économiques et financiers

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Published on 21 December 2010. Updated on 13 June 2024