8500 - 560 BC
The first text of civil and commercial law in Babylon (Mesopotamia)
Cowry shells, a form of currency
520 BC - 1474
Economic development of the Muslim empire, in particular Bagdad
The first banknotes or paper money
Coalitions of the Hanseatic League on the North Sea and the Lombard League in Italy
Acceleration of trade along the Silk Road, dominated by the Mongol Empire
Development of large trading empires in Africa, South of the Sahara
The first major banks
China starts closing up
1474 - 1740
The Great Discoveries
Implementation of the mercantilist doctrine in several European countries
First commodities exchange in France
Heyday of the triangular trade between Europe, Africa and America
South Sea Bubble in Great Britain
1740 - 1945
Boston Tea Party
Traité d'économie politique (Treatise on economic policy) by Jean-Baptiste Say
Creation of the Zollverein, customs union between German States
First Opium War between China and the United Kingdom
Abolition of the Corn Laws and beginning of a period of free trade
Le Bon Marché, the first department store in France
Signature of a free trade treaty between France and the United Kingdom
Opening of the Suez Canal
Return to protectionism in Germany and France
The second industrial revolution
Berlin Conference on Africa
Antitrust Act in the United States
Opening of the first supermarket in New York
Salt March organised by Gandhi in India
1945 to the present
Treaty of Rome establishing the EEC and the common market
Liberalisation and economic opening of China
Single European Act
Creation of the World Trade Organisation (WTO)
China becomes a member of the WTO
China becomes the world's second largest economic power (by GDP, in current dollar terms)