1474 - 1740
Beginning of the agricultural revolution in Europe
1740 - 1945
Signature of a free trade treaty between France and the United Kingdom
Creation of the Latin Monetary Union between France and several European countries
Berlin Conference on Africa
Bankruptcy of the Creditanstalt, first bank in Austria
1945 to the present
The Marshall Plan
Treaty of Rome establishing the EEC and the common market
Creation of the European Monetary System (EMS)
Single European Act
Montreal Protocol: the first major environmental protocol
European Monetary System crisis
Signing of the Maastricht Treaty
Creation of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Eurosystem
Setting-up of TARGET 1 in Europe
Introduction of the euro
Merger of Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris stock exchanges
Setting up of electronic payment media common to all euro area countries
Debt crisis in certain euro area countries
European banking union
2015 - Most recent euro area enlargement