8500 - 560 BC
Emergence of farmers and stockbreeders
Emergence of lending and writing, initially used for accounting
Appearance of the first towns
520 BC - 1474
Medieval economic revolution
China starts closing up
Invention of printing in Europe
1474 - 1740
The Great Discoveries
Beginning of the agricultural revolution in Europe
1740 - 1945
The industrial revolution
French Revolution: economic causes and environment
Start of the abolition of slavery
Promulgation of the General Enclosure Act by the British Parliament
Construction of the Rocket, one of the first steam engines
Great Depression in Europe and the United States
The second industrial revolution
First World War
Russian Revolution
Stock market crash on Wall Street and start of the 1930s crisis
World War II: a conflict with major economic consequences
1945 to the present
The post-World War II 30-year boom period (the trente glorieuses)
China becomes communist
End of the gold-dollar standard and switch to a floating exchange rate system
Liberalisation and economic opening of China
Breakup of the Eastern bloc
Start of the subprime crisis
Paris Climate Agreement