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The anamorphisis proposed by the Cité de l'économie
will show you the world in a way you may have never seen it.

Select the indicator of your choice at the top left of the screen
and then click on the 'Run the animation' button.

The surface of each country on the map then becomes proportional to the chosen indicator.
Thus, two countries that have the same value for this indicator
will have the same surface after transformation.

For some indicators, you can follow the evolution of the map over time by clicking the ► button that appears at the bottom left of the map.

The indicator currently selected is:
"Number of Internet users per 100 inhabitants, 1990-2014"

Download here the data file of this indicator.
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This indicator gives the ratio of Internet users to the total population in each country.
In 2014, an average of 4 out of 10 people used the Internet. There are however great disparities between regions depending on the level of development.
This rate increased rapidly in the European Union, North America and Japan: here, 8 out of 10 people now have access to Internet. While Asia has the highest number of Internet users, only 3 out of 10 people have Internet access, and no more than 2 people out of 10 in India.
The same rate of 2 out of 10 is found in Africa, with very great disparities between countries: in many sub-Saharan African countries, fewer than 1 person out of 10 has access to Internet.
The Internet access rate is high in the richest countries   Find out more
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