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The anamorphisis proposed by the Cité de l'économie
will show you the world in a way you may have never seen it.

Select the indicator of your choice at the top left of the screen
and then click on the 'Run the animation' button.

The surface of each country on the map then becomes proportional to the chosen indicator.
Thus, two countries that have the same value for this indicator
will have the same surface after transformation.

For some indicators, you can follow the evolution of the map over time by clicking the ► button that appears at the bottom left of the map.

The indicator currently selected is:
"Annual wealth created in each country, in purchasing power parity terms, in 2011 euro, 1980-2014"

Download here the data file of this indicator.
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GDP measures the wealth created in a year in each country. To enable international comparisons, country GDPs are converted into 2011 euro using an exchange rate that reflects price differentials with the euro area. These exchange rates, known as purchasing power parity (PPP) rates, make it possible to equalise the price of an identical basket of goods and services across different countries. In 2014, the wealth produced worldwide amounted to over 74,500 billion 2011 PPP euro. It increased by a factor of 2.5 between 1980 and 2014.
Over this period, the combined proportion accounted for by the European Union and United States fell from 40% to 33% of the total. By contrast, that of China and India rose from 4% to 23%. Africa's proportion of the total remained unchanged, at around 5%. France accounts for 2%-3% of newly created global wealth.
It is in East Asia and India that wealth creation has increased most.   Find out more
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